Mold Maintenance in Pune

 Mold Maintenance in Pune

We are a popularly known service provider of Mold Maintenance in Pune. Our organization holds expertise in rendering Mold Maintenance to our customers. Are you looking for ways to increase the efficiency and productivity of your injection molding system? 

A well-maintained and well-designed mold is key to producing consistent, high-quality injection molded parts. Uniform cooling throughout the cavity impression (and from a cavity to cavity in multi-cavity tools) will yield the highest quality part and the fastest cycle time.

Ensuring a quality mold requires well-designed tooling and higher precision build. This same can increase the tool construction cost and regular maintenance cost. However, these measures will ultimately save you costs on repairs. 

As a best practice, choose a molder that performs maintenance, such as cleaning parting lines during the production run. Same should have a dedicated service team that documents and tracks mold maintenance. 

Many buyers overlook mold maintenance when choosing a supplier. It is a critical aspect of a successful long-term molding program. The condition of the injection mold affects the quality of the plastic components produced. Performing necessary preventative maintenance improves tool longevity and part quality by stopping issues before they happen. Every mold in your facility needs a maintenance schedule. Whether it’s new or another just transferred in, every mold should have a timeline of when it needs to be inspected, cleaned, and prepared for service. 

A proper maintenance plan should include detailed instructions for mold cleaning and what repairs are needed. The maintenance plan should also outline the timing for each item, whether it is based on time or the number of parts produced. The resin used may also influence when each mold should service.

Proper mold care and maintenance is a great place to start. The best practices that will help you:

  • Extend the life of your mold
  • Minimize unplanned downtime
  • Maintain the number of usable cavities
  • Keep cycle times short
  • Minimize scrap rates and resin costs

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Mold Maintenance in Pune


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